From the CNN story:

<snip source="CNN">

Bush's job approval rating is 58 percent, a five-point decline since 
last week and the first time it has dipped below 60 percent since the 
terrorist attacks.

Still, the president gets high marks for leadership, vision and his 
ability to make hard decisions. His handling of national defense wins 
approval from more than six in 10 Americans.


I really don't see this "ability to make hard decisions".  It seems that 
he tries something like, oh,... calling a few countries an Axis of Evil 
and then later has to eat his rhetoric.  I think he just makes off the 
cuff decisions most of the time.

<snip source="CNN">
The president still enjoys strong support from Americans when it comes 
to their evaluation of his personal strengths. For example, 67 percent 
of those polled say Bush brought dignity back to the White House and 65 
percent said he inspires confidence.

Bush, brought dignity back to the white house....Whatever.  Ok, so he 
keeps his pants zipped up.  If you looked that goofy, you wouldn't have 
a problem keeping your pants zipped either (sorry, I realize that's a 
low blow, but I thought it was a little funny)  Anyway, he's just 
brought the same good ol' boy politics to DC.  I also don't see how he 
inspires confidence when he can't assemble a decent economic stimulus 
package, seems to flounder in foreign relations, and doesn't seem to 
want to follow through with projects (i.e. Bin Laden). 

Oh, BTW, before you blast me for being a bleeding heart liberal......I 
was planning voting for McCain until that plan was scraped.


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