No the thing that sucked was Columbia was the only shuttle that was unable
to dock with the ISS. Of course i agreed that they should have jury rigged a
space walk but oh
well hindsight is 20/20. Though i was reading about the thing as just a
on take off and was thinking might cause a problem but you know you never
think the worst

----- Original Message -----
From: "Craig Dudley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "CF-Community" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, February 03, 2003 12:16 PM
Subject: RE: space shuttle columbia accident

> From the evidence we've heard so far, it does seem pretty obvious that
> the insulation falling off the fuel tank and hitting the orbiters left
> wing has indeed caused the tragedy. Since they knew about the impact,
> doesn't it seem odd that they just almost wrote it off and didn't take a
> look at the left wing while the shuttle was in space? Surely anyone in
> their right mind would make absolutely sure there was no damage that may
> cause such a disaster.
> There must have been something that could have been done in order to get
> a look? And if they had, and found a problem, couldn't the astronauts
> have come back via the soyuz craft that's docked with the ISS? Couldn't
> they have got enough supplies from the ISS to stay in orbit until the
> next shuttle mission?
> I don't know, perhaps I'm clutching at straws but it seems that someone
> or some people at NASA have made a terrible error of judgment and it's
> ultimately cost seven lives. Perhaps that's harsh. Let's just say that
> they have failed to spot a significant danger and that has contributed
> to the deaths.
> However, I do believe that the show must go on, but only after
> everything possible has been done to prevent this happening again. Only
> a fool does not learn from his mistakes.
> Craig.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Harkins,Patrick [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 03 February 2003 17:00
> To: CF-Community
> Subject: RE: space shuttle columbia accident
> I think Gel just feels a sense of outrage and sadness at the deaths,
> which
> I'm sure we all privately share to one degree or another.
> And the other thing is the success of these missions rides on a 100%
> buy-in
> to a quasi-fanatical labor-of-love mentality.... If this is in any way
> in
> question then maybe it is time to take a pause for refocusing.
> Patrick
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Ben Braver [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Monday, February 03, 2003 10:51 AM
> > To: CF-Community
> > Subject: space shuttle columbia accident
> >
> >
> > Gel-
> >
> > Sorry for putting this so bluntly, but I find your comment
> > completely ridiculous.
> >
> > There are been only a couple of hundred human-crewed space missions.
> >
> > What was the accident rate like after the first couple of
> > hundred airplane flights?
> >
> > Or the breakdown rate for the first couple of hundred
> > automobile drives?
> >
> > The shuttle is phenomenally more complex. There are over one
> > million parts.
> > And a lot of the research launches have been failing because
> > of funding cuts, in my opinion.
> >
> > -Ben
> >
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