I will have to disagree that this isn't about Oil.  In fact, the first move in
the planning for the assault on Iraq is to secure the two cities in Northern
Iraq which are called "The Iraq oil headquarters."  It has already been reported
that the US has teams of troops already on the ground in Northern Iraq, for the
specific purpose of preparing to take control of the Iraq Oil, and of course to
prevent its destruction by a desperate Iraqi military.  The French and Russia
know this, and they are afraid of losing a source of oil to control by the US.
There was mention of the availability of Kuwait oil.  The problem there is that
Kuwait oil has too high sulfur content to be usable in the US, due to
environmental considerations.  It has to be blended with "sweet" crude to be
usable, and Iraq has that "sweet" crude.

Perhaps the US has legitimate concerns about Iraq, but I think the emphasis
would be better put on the Economy, which is still going to hell in a
handbasket.  One very important question remains unanswered and that is if Iraq
is so dangerous with their Weapons of Mass Destruction, why aren't its immediate
neighbors showing more concern?  They are supposedly the ones that are the most
at risk.
I am still against the Us policy of Providing Foreign Aid dollars to despot
regimes, or used to bribe countries to "toe the line" as far as US business
interests are concerned.

I firmly believe that this whole Iraq propaganda machine centered in the Bush
Administration is a diversion intended to take the public attention away from
the fact that our Economy has gone south, and continues to do so.  The
Government has gone from billions in surpluses to trillions in deficits which
are mortgaging our grandchildren to favor a rich few.  The more the
administration can do to scare the public the more support for their "policies"
which favor the Bush administration's oil patch buddies.

Our Attorney General stays awake at night justifying more ways to remove civil
liberties from the citizens.  I refer to the Patriot Act, and the proposed
Patriot Act II.  His attitude is Damn the Constitution.

Our borders are still porous, and local law enforcement refuses to assist in
enforcing illegal alien laws, which are mostly a sham anyway.
The INS is still broken and is nowhere going to be fixed.  Immigration judges
routinely release illegal aliens beck on the streets after being rounded up for
one reason or another.  We cannot even manage to deport the illegal aliens that
are convicted Felons.  We still issue Visas to foreign nationals at a clerical
level through the State Department, and there still is little correlation
between them and the INS or other government agencies.  More illegals are
entering the US by the millions.   The so-called Airport security is one of the
largest employers of illegal aliens.  Millions of illegals already are in the
United states, and are not being pursued.  The administration admits to the
probability of "many" terrorist sleeper cells in the US, and this is on top of
the usual crop of crazies that call the US home.

No one in their right mind is going to go out in panic and buy up plastic
sheeting and duct tape with which to construct "clean rooms" but some are really
scared and are doing just that. Even though very few of them have the foggiest
idea about how to clean up their own environment, much less protect their own

The largest military call-up since Viet-Nam is currently in progress and
consideration is being given to re-activating the draft, in order to
artificially create job openings for the increasing unemployed, which is
intended to last long enough to guarantee re-election.

Bin Laden has said that he will be a Martyr this year or next.  Does this
exhibit his belief that he will be "discovered" by the troops that are looking
for him, and them killed, rather than allow capture?

And I used to consider myself a conservative, this is ridiculous.

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