Now that's stupid to keep a list of things because I'm sure everyone has
done things in life that you regret. And life is about change and growing so
that would pretty much put everyone out of any jobs since we've all screwed
up in our lives.

But yea the girl in front of the bulldozer I wish she would have put a few
of her friends in front of the bulldozers too. And then for the US govt to
say we demand a full investigation...why??

Ok if you are in another country and its police/military tells you to move
and you don't or you jump in front of it again well you're an idiot and its
Darwin trying to tell you something.
And I agree to a bit of how silly some of the protestors are. I mean I saw
school kids boycotting school in protest and I heard the news guy say
something like isn't that like Boycotting something you don't want to do
anyway so its just an excuse. Half the people the guy asked about Iraq and
such they didn't know what in the world they were talking about.

I was pretty middle of the road before the fighting started and hoped we
didn't have to go in but now that its going on hope we finish it up fast and
without too much death. I have relatives and loved ones in the military over
there now and its very very nerve-racking. The Solider killed today could
have been my relative or friend or your friend or one of those dumb
protestors friends.

Last night I put on a channel that was documenting the first gulf war and it
was PBS I think. The exact same thing happened same people came out waving
no war for oil banners and all the people protesting. People saying how
horrible everything was going to be it was the start of Armageddon. Then
after it was over everyone was so proud of the troops, the same people who
said it was wrong were so happy we liberated Kuwait. LOL If you're going to
be a hypocrit at last admit it like i do :).

Go Coalition soldiers!

And i still like the dixiechicks music and i can't blame them for being
upset from being from TX i would be too. Dubya is a bone head but hes the
CIC right now and we need to follow through.

And i'm still awaiting our B52s to put on our fireworks show they keep
talking about

----- Original Message -----
From: "samcfug" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "CF-Community" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, March 21, 2003 7:36 AM
Subject: Re: CF-Community: Digest every hour

I guess you also will say "so what" if he has a few tons of Mustard gas,
Anthrax, etc.

Anyway, there is not a lot we can do about it at this point, they have
to the objective, and we really can do no more than to see how it plays out.

While I personally hate war, the US Congress has overwhelmingly approved the
invasion, which is tatamount to an official declaration of war. So if you
in the US, live with it.

What really irks me is the naiveté exhibited by the so-called protesters who
not even realize the agenda and background of the Marxist organizers.  I
potential employers take and keep a list of names of these bleeding hearts
gleefully show them the door when later in life they apply for jobs.  They
not realize they are wasting their energy and lives.  For example the dumb
who, while thinking she was making a statement, got in front of the Israeli
Bulldozer in Palestine.  What a waste of energy and life. What is stupid is
while these demonstrations are semi-legal in the United States, not every
country will allow "freedom of expression" to interfere with the legitimate
defense of their country and their people.

| -----Original Message-----
| From: Will Swain [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Sent: 21 March 2003 09:42
| To: CF-Community
| Subject: RE: Prime Minister's Address to the Nation...
| So he has a few scuds? Hardly likely to be a big problem, and lets be
| honest, if we weren't invading him we'd never know about them.....
| will

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