First, you need to take note that Saddam has actually been a territory aggressor – 
this is perhaps the most important point.  Saddam was mounting his military next to 
the Saudi border before we invaded (thus the reason we were allowed to use Saudi land 
for the attack - they hate us perhaps more than Saddam).

Why is this significant?  With Iraq having the 4th largest army in the world, the 
access, ability and proven willingness to use chemical and biological weapons - if he 
was successful in taking Saudi next (and he would have been) - he would have 
controlled over 50% of the world's oil.

So is it about oil?  Yes, in some ways it is.  Do we want to steal his oil or control 
his share? Of course not - we have proven that with the first conflict.

But can you think of a better way to stifle and ruin the global economy and bring it 
to its knees than stop the oil flow - thus stopping transportation - supply lines - 
etc?  Anyone that can't see the importance of protecting the oil from a proven 
aggressor like that is being a little naďve to the global economy dependencies.  One 
of the main considerations of execution of the first strike was ensuring Saddam didn’t 
cut off his nose in spite of his face, and destroy his own oil fields.

Secondly, it is obvious why the Middle East situation is 10 times more important than 
the North Korea situation.  With Saddam having the ability to launch against Israel, 
we have serious problems.  The middle east is a time bomb, and Saddam knows that we 
would have no choice than to defend on short notice – causing massive casualties – 
eventually leaving Israel in a good position to make bad decisions (nukes).  Now enter 
the entire Arab hot bed into the situation.  Pakistan pops a few nukes into India and 
joins Saddam’s army – India retaliates with nukes. A huge radioactive cloud would 
cover half the world in a matter of months.  It will make the holocaust look like a 
chuck e cheese birthday party.  These are people that would love nothing more than die 
pushing the nuke button and visit their 79 virgins in the sky.  It’s a massive bomb 
waiting to go off.

North Korea is a serious situation, but the consequences are hardly as serious as the 
Middle East for the time being.  North Korea can be handled with Economic sanctions 
Saddam has proven he cannot.  North Korea is surrounded with countries that do not 
support their actions so their clout is not as impressive as they might think, who are 
their allies?  The same people we are trying to disarm right now.

Third, there are in fact major humanitarian reasons to liberate Iraq.  I know that 
there is a morality question of whether we have the right to do so.  It is not a sole 
reason to oust Saddam, but is one more thing to add to a very long and growing list of 
concerns.  But it is important to note the conditions the Iraqis live under.  It would 
take hours to list a fraction of them.  One of the most disgusting facts is that Iraq 
is the only country that employs professional rapists.  –Look it up if you want.

Don’t flame or personally attack each other – we are all above that.  Bottom line is 
that we all have an opinion, and I respect yours  – I’m just stating mine.   =)

Nate Nielsen
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


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