> 1) Koreans intercepting our planes in international waters, building
> weapons, and threatening total war
They are clammering for attention.  They are starving as a nation.  They can
barely feed their own people.  They spend 25 - 33 % of their GDP on
military.  No wonder they are starving.

> 2) Al Queda terrorists on the loose, organizing new attacks, and
> a real threat to Americans

As the events of the past few days show, we are still hunting those guys
down and bringing them in.

> 3) No funding in the Federal budget for an actual war (this would fall
> the umbrella of discrectionary spending, which will result in tremendous
> debt)

Have you seen estimates of what the cost would be to clean up after a dirty
bomb, a chemical weapons attack, and god forbid a nuculear attack?  If
Saddam gives any of his WMD's away to Al Qaeda the cost will be far greater
than that of the coming war.

> 4) Decreased chances of capturing the very arms we intend to stop as a
> result of months and months of showing our hand

There is much speculation that after Saddam is gone many of the scientists
afraid to speak, that are forced to stay in their homes, will lead us to all
of Saddams stashes of WMD.

> 5) An almost universal lack of international support, which can have
> consequences in terms of commerce,
The only countries opposing are those with deep vested financial reasons to
keep Saddam around.  For example, in order to settle some of the debt Iraq
owes Russia for the purchase of weapons, they sell Russia oil at a discount,
Russia turns around and sells that oil for a huge profit.  Would you want
that cash cow to go away?

> And... Saddam has been contained successfully since the last Gulf War
> primarily through international pressure. Despite all the bad things about
> him, he hasn't invaded another country or killed a single American, AFAIK.

No, he is just building more weapons, rebuilding facilities that were
destroyed by UNSCOM, give him another 10 years and we'll see if containment
works, of course by then it will be too late.

> It's like America is fixated on a burning barrel while the city burns.
> I would love to see the man go away, I am not certain I care where, but
> there are other real issues affecting us that need to be addressed.

Maybe with enough pressure from other Arab nations for Saddam to step down,
he will, who knows.  But do you think that Saddam would be doing anything if
200,000 US troops were waiting around him?

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