hehe it will be another 20-40 years when finally all the Gulf War Vets are
dieing off and they will say OH yea GWI is real and its communicable we
didnt mention that.

When i first met my wife i almost died thinking she or I could have
contracted it from her ex.
I've got reams and reams of paper on research and statements on how it is a
communicable illness. Those iraqis were pretty clever, merging HIV-1 with
some nasty little things.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Maureen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "CF-Community" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2003 12:27 PM
Subject: RE:Germs Book ( Personal Stance Change for Iraq Policy)

At 09:42 AM 3/5/03, Gel wrote:

>And let's not forget Agent Orange, which was rumored to have been tested
>on the US's own troops.

We have two family members whose health was destroyed by exposure to Agent
Orange in Vietnam.   Seriously dangerous stuff.  Last month they finally
conceded that Agent Orange could be linked to chronic lymphocytic leukemia.

Also, the VA has released information recently about mustard tests that
were carried out in US on approximately 4000 troops during WW2.

Their hands aren't clean on any of this.

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