Yeah... judges are so sick and tired of the disrespect jury candidates show
to their courtrooms.  I can't blame them.

BTW, you mentioned in an earlier message that you are also a chef.  What's
your specialty?


Adam Phillip Churvis
Team Macromedia Volunteer for ColdFusion

Advanced Intensive ColdFusion MX Training
ColdFusion MX Master Class:
March 31, 2003 - April 4, 2003

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ian Skinner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "CF-Community" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, March 10, 2003 1:33 PM
Subject: RE: Benefits of jury duty..., new thread - forced JD

> Well the mistake he made was NOT SHOW UP.  The is never a good idea, My
> who is a Type 1 diabetic, where stress and/or the possibility of missed
> meals are not a good idea as well as that her employer will NOT reimburse
> her for time missed, has always been relieved of jury duty, but every time
> she has to call the clerk, get the form, fill it out, get letters from her
> employer and doctor, all of this BEFORE the summons date.  But, once that
> done, she is dismissed.  So you can get out, but you CAN NOT ignore it and
> just not show up.
> Ian Skinner
> Blood Source
> Sacramento, CA
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Adam Churvis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, March 10, 2003 10:18 AM
> To: CF-Community
> Subject: Re: Benefits of jury duty..., new thread - forced JD
> > So, I've never had to serve on a jury - but something I've always
> > wondered about - they can't force someone who is supporting their family
> > to go on jury duty, can they? Or how about a single guy/gal - what if
> > they can't afford to pay rent because they can't go to work?
> They most certainly can, and they will.  Hospital stays and military
> deployments are typically honored, but the rest is fair game for jury
> selection.  If they didn't do it this way then everyone would have an
> excuse.  It's kind of like a civilian version of being called up from the
> Reserves for duty to your country.
> If the jury candidate can document clear cause for relief from service,
> that _sometimes_ works, but not always.  And some courts require jury
> candidates to show up in person to make their claim for relief with
> documentation in hand.  Every court is different, so make sure to check,
> get the rules in writing (or a printout from the court's website), not by
> what some clerk tells you.
> I know a guy who was heavily medicated for a heart condition which also
> required that he not undergo stress.  He was scheduled for an out-of-town
> business meeting weeks in advance of his jury notice; he explained his
> situation to the court clerk who told him he shouldn't have a problem
> relieved from duty.
> He assumed this meant there wouldn't be a problem if he didn't show up.
> mistake.
> During his business meeting a few states away from home, no more than
> hours after he was supposed to arrive for morning jury selection, federal
> marshalls arrived with handcuffs drawn and an arrest warrant in hand.
> The marshalls brought him back to his home state and in front of the
> where he explained his situation and also his physician called the court
> clerk with an explanation for the judge.  Everything was finally resolved
> and he was relieved from service, but it took an affidavit from his
> physician to be filed to get him relieved.
> One piece of advice: never say to a judge, "You can't do that."  They love
> to hear it, because it's always so much fun to prove you wrong.  Don't try
> to use layman's logic in determining what a judge can and can't do,
> that's mostly up to his discretion.
> Respectfully,
> Adam Phillip Churvis
> Team Macromedia Volunteer for ColdFusion
> Advanced Intensive ColdFusion MX Training
> ColdFusion MX Master Class:
> March 31, 2003 - April 4, 2003
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