Whoops, correction:  my brother is an Australian, not in Israel.

----- Original Message -----
From: Beth Fleischer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Friday, March 21, 2003 3:14 pm
Subject: Article on Arguments against the war

> I was wondering what my international relations expert brother's 
> opinion on the war in Iraq was.  HE is the editro for the journal 
> for one of the big jewish organizations in israel.  The following 
> surprised me, because my brother is a pacifist.  I have no idea 
> how much he had to write and how much is his true feelings, but I 
> still thought it was interesting, and I know he wouldn't print 
> anything he thought was a lie.  The Australian Parliment members 
> he quotes echo some of the anti-war sentiment I have seen voiced 
> elsewhere.  I particularly felt enlightened by reading the part 
> about oil - he is right - if we wanted iraq's oil we could just 
> lift sanction.s
> http://www.aijac.org.au/review/2003/283/parl-iraq-283.html
> Cheap shots
> Muddled facts in the parliamentary debate on Iraq
> By Tzvi Fleischer
> In the early days of February, the Federal Parliament of Australia 
> saw several days of intense debate about potential Australian 
> involvement in a war in Iraq, and in that context, the role of the 
> United Nations, Australia’s relationship with the US, and the 
> nature of Australia’s national interest. Most of the debate was 
> serious, reasoned and intelligent, if heated and vociferous, as is 
> understandable given the important issues of war and peace at 
> stake. But as in our last report on this subject in October, some 
> of our political leaders made statements which were factually 
> incorrect or betrayed basic misunderstandings of international 
> law, were irresponsible or seemed to display an inability to make 
> basic moral distinctions. And one or two made claims that were 
> just plain bizarre. 
> Here’s our run-down of a few of the claims being made:
> Myth: Lots of state besides Iraq are violating UN Security Council 
> resolutions, especially Israel
> Arch Bevis (ALP): "However, if failure to comply with UN 
> resolutions is the test for war, there are a few other candidates… 
> Israel is in defiance of a 1967 resolution, resolution 242, which 
> required the withdrawal of its armed forces from the territories 
> it occupied following the 1967 war."
> Sid Sidebottom (ALP): "Why should the UN’s credibility be 
> determined solely by Iraq’s failure to comply with Security 
> Council resolutions when many countries, including Greece, Cyprus, 
> Indonesia and in particular Israel, have ignored Security Council 
> resolutions for years."
> Sen. Meg Lees (Ind.): "As far as Israel is concerned, it also has 
> a long list of UN resolutions that it has not abided by. In fact, 
> I think it takes the prize as the country which has ignored the 
> most UN resolutions–there have been some 32." 
> Anthony Albanese (ALP), Joel Fitzgibbon (ALP), Anna Burke (ALP) 
> Frank Mossfield (ALP) also made or implied similar points. 
> We dealt with this in detail last October. It is simply a matter 
> of law that the resolutions on Iraq are different because they are 
> taken under Chapter VII of the UN Charter, concerning "Threats to 
> the Peace". Such resolutions are binding and enforceable by 
> sanctions or force, and require unilateral compliance. Almost all 
> the other resolutions usually cited, including those on Israel, 
> are under Chapter VI, "Pacific Settlement of Disputes", which are 
> advisory, cannot legally be forcibly enforced under the Charter, 
> and virtually always recommend reciprocal action by both sides of 
> the conflict. Moreover, it simply is not true that Israel is 
> violating UN Security Council resolutions, especially the most oft-
> cited, 242, because these resolutions do not mean what they are 
> often claimed to mean. There is no resolution requiring Israel to 
> unilaterally pull its forces back to the 1967 borders or "end the 
> occupation of Palestinian land." I could go on, but let me instead 
> cite one of t
> he best and most thoughtful parliamentary debaters, a former Labor 
> leader:
> Kim Beazley: an informed contribution 
> Kim Beazley (ALP): "If the United Nations announces under chapter 
> 7 that it intends to do something about a matter and it is not 
> done, that will undermine the authority of the United Nations; 
> that will render it ineffective. There are many other resolutions 
> under other chapters. Resolution 242 gets a bit of a guernsey here 
> every now and then. Resolution 242 is under chapter 6, not chapter 
> 7. It does not carry the same mandate and authority that chapter 7 
> carries. Chapter 6 is the United Nations trying to put up 
> resolutions which might help the process of peace and it states 
> matters of principle that are important for the world to take into 
> consideration. Resolution 242 says that Israel should withdraw 
> from territories that it has occupied. It also says that Israel 
> should withdraw to secure and recognised boundaries and that the 
> one is dependent upon the other. Resolution 242 says that, but it 
> is not a chapter 7 resolution."
> Myth: The US is really motivated by a desire to steal Iraq’s oil
> Sen. Bob Brown (Greens): "This is an oil war. This is the United 
> States recognising that as the economic empire of the age it needs 
> oil to maintain its pre-eminence… This is a war deliberated upon 
> by the oil barons in the United States, who largely financed the 
> Bush campaign, who have enormous connections and inter office 
> placements with the White House staff and who are aware that a key 
> to the future prosperity of the economy of the United States–five 
> per cent of the world’s people–depends on who controls that 65 per 
> cent of the world’s oil resource."
> Senator Kate Lundy (ALP): "This war is about oil and domination 
> more than disarmament. There is no humanitarian motivation in 
> military intervention into Iraq, only a concern for the bank 
> balances of the West."
> John Murphy (ALP): "Like many of my constituents I called upon 
> America to tell the truth to the world, that the attack we were 
> being called upon to participate in was really about the need for 
> America to more reliably control oil."
> Others making or implying support for this claim include Jill Hall 
> (ALP), Frank Mossfield (ALP), Sharon Grierson (ALP) Peter Andren 
> (Ind.), Sen. Lynn Allison (Dem.), Sen. George Campbell (ALP), Sen. 
> Kerry Nettle (Greens).
> Sorry, but as several of the debaters, including Prime Minister 
> Howard, Teresa Gambaro, Kelvin Thompson, and Steven Ciobo pointed 
> out, this conspiracy theory makes no sense. The main evidence 
> given for this theory seems to consist of the facts that US 
> President Bush has connections with oil men, and Iraq has oil. But 
> the US does not actually need Iraqi oil, could buy all the Iraqi 
> oil it wants simply by agreeing to lift sanctions, or could have 
> seized Middle East oil fields, if that is what it wanted to do, in 
> 1991. Also, the US oil industry is mostly sceptical and cautious 
> about a war in Iraq because it might effect supply, and anyway 
> does not want massive new supplies which would lower prices. And 
> let’s not forget that slogans about "war for oil" were also flung 
> about by the anti-war fringe even with respect to Bosnia and 
> Afghanistan, which have no oil. There may be many good reasons to 
> oppose war in Iraq, but if your reason is that there’s really a 
> secret US plan to grab 
> Iraqi oil, you simply are out of touch with reality, and should 
> not be surprised if people treat you as such.
> Myth: War will lead to the death of 100,000s of Iraqi civilians 
> and the US will carpet bomb Iraqi cities, killing mostly children
> Carmen Lawrence (ALP): "Every time a bomb hits, on average we can 
> expect half of the victims to be children."
> Tania Plibersek (ALP): "Who can tell why – oil, ego, stupidity, 
> electoral advantage? I cannot get past the point that 250,000 
> civilian lives may be lost in this conflict."
> Sen. Andrew Bartlett (Dem.): "President Bush said, ‘We are here to 
> liberate you from the dictator Hussein.’ But every reported action 
> likely in terms of the military action that would occur would 
> involve the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilians."
> While a concern for the potential deaths among Iraqis, especially 
> civilians, is a highly appropriate part of this debate, claims 
> about 100,000s of civilians deaths are simply scaremongering and 
> cannot be sustained by any realistic scenario of war. The US did 
> not carpet bomb Iraqi cities in 1991, it did not carpet bomb 
> cities in Bosnia or Afghanistan. There no reason to think it will 
> do so in a new Iraq war. The best estimates are that between 1000 
> and 5000 Iraqi civilians died from military action in the 1991 
> Gulf War — this number may be somewhat higher or lower this time 
> around, but in fact, the Iraqi military is weaker and the bombs 
> likely to be used are more accurate, so lower would be a better 
> bet than higher. The fact that anti-war advocacy groups and aid 
> groups trying to get as much humanitarian aid available as 
> possible have put out fanciful worst case scenarios does not 
> excuse treating these unsustainable claims as gospel. 
> Just Wrong or Plain Bizarre
> Sen. Lynn Allison (Dem): "Yesterday, the Prime Minister was 
> defensive about Israel, talking about the courageous efforts of 
> Ehud Barak, whose generous offer to give the Palestinians the 
> ‘bulk of their demands’ was ‘repudiated’ by Yasser Arafat. Like so 
> much of what the Prime Minister is saying, this is untrue. Barak 
> offered to negotiate only a small percentage of the Palestinian 
> territory that Israel occupies, in spite of United Nations 
> resolutions."
> Even Palestinian participants at Camp David agree that Barak 
> offered more than 90% of the West Bank and Gaza at Camp David and 
> even more later, but criticise that as inadequate for a variety of 
> reasons. Sen. Allison is just wrong, unless she is counting all of 
> Israel as "Palestinian territory that Israel occupies", as some 
> extremists do.
> Julia Irwin (ALP): "When an El Al cargo plane crashed in the 
> Netherlands during a flight from New York to Israel, its cargo 
> included four principal agents used in the manufacture of VX nerve 
> gas."
> Actually, it wasn’t "four principal agents" of the superdeadly VX, 
> it was DPPT, a key ingredient of much less—sophisticated Sarin, 
> but a chemical also with a number of other uses. And Israel 
> explained that the chemical was part of its defensive chemical 
> weapons research, intended to test the effectiveness of gas masks 
> and other filters in case of chemical attack. This is completely 
> legal under the Chemical Weapons Convention, of which Israel is a 
> signatory.
> Peter Andren (Ind.): "Australians want to know whether regime 
> change in Iraq is simply about putting in place another regime 
> sympathetic to American, British and other interests in the Middle 
> East – that means oil interests and pro-Israeli interests."
> Pro-Israeli interests? What Israel would most like is an Iraq 
> which ceases to pay Palestinian suicide bombers, and export other 
> terrorists, and also ceases to target Israel and other neighbours 
> with weapons of mass destruction. But then, so would almost all 
> the other governments in the Middle East. Why would this be a bad 
> thing, and why is it only about Israel?
> Jill Hall (ALP): "Any student of history knows that there is never 
> a winner in war. Wars are usually fought to promote the agenda of 
> a powerful and aggressive nation. We had World War II. Everyone 
> knows what Hitler’s agenda was, what the devastation was and what 
> the result of that was. It can be argued that same war is still 
> being continued in the Middle East, in Israel and Palestine. We 
> had the Korean War and the US intervention in that country. We 
> heard President Bush’s recent comments about the ‘axis of evil’. 
> Korea is still in there, so there is another issue that still has 
> not been resolved."
> Is Ms. Hall seriously suggesting it was wrong to fight Hitler 
> during World War II? And I don’t know what point she is trying to 
> make about Israel and Palestine. And would it really have been 
> better to have allowed North Korea to overrun the South, given 
> what we know about that regime today?
> Senator George Campbell: illogical theories 
> Sen. George Campbell (ALP): "There is the suspicion that 
> unilateral US military action against Iraq would be motivated by 
> the desire to control Iraq’s vast oil resources. This suspicion is 
> reinforced by the extraordinarily close links between oil 
> companies and the Bush administration. I do not know if everyone 
> in this chamber saw the 60 Minutes report a couple of months 
> before Christmas, in which it was clearly demonstrated that there 
> were convoys of oil trucks 100 miles long heading out of the north 
> of Iraq through Kurdistan, which was charging them a toll fee to 
> pass through the country, into Turkey and out into the Western 
> world. No-one can tell me the US administration was not aware of 
> that occurring. But what were they doing? They had a couple of 
> ships stationed at the other end of Iraq to prevent the oil coming 
> out by sea into the Persian Gulf. What a joke! They did not take 
> action to enforce the sanctions. They knew the oil was coming out, 
> but that was more important 
> than the issue of preventing the loss of lives and preventing 
> further destruction of people within that country."
> Let me get this straight. Senator Campbell’s theory is that the US 
> is deliberately allowing Saddam to illegally export oil in 
> defiance of the sanctions so they can get their hands on that oil? 
> Don’t you think if they really wanted the oil that badly they 
> would just lift the sanctions?
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