Sunday, March 23, 2003, 7:00:05 AM, you wrote:

SC> Jerry

SC> See also my other follow-up posts.  However, in summary:

SC> - Saddam in an evil and despotic nutcase = TRUE
SC> - Saddam needs to be removed from power in Iraq = TRUE
SC> - Saddam should be tried by the ICC for whatever they deem fit =

I sincerely doubt the US would be any part of handing Saddam over to
the ICC. He will be dead, or be sent into exile.

SC> - The current military action is legal by a member of the UN (as AU, US
SC> and UK are) = FALSE

Says who? Napoleon was the one who said the winners write the history
books. They also write the laws. The US as a major contributing force
the in _winning_ of WW2, helped create the UN, and these laws we are
supposed violating. It doesn't get much simpler that the fact that,
the winners always win. Unless the coalition loses in Iraq, your
statement is provably false in light of history.

Go ahead quote Chapter 7, article 50-whatever that everyone else
parrots. I've read it, and it has nothing do do with what is going on
in Iraq. Even if someone, say the abomination that is the ICC, were to
have the balls to bring charges, would you volunteer to come collect
the accused to stand trial?

They say the meek shall inherit the earth, but the meek stand no
chance while people like Saddam are still around. If peace is to have
a chance, people like Saddam can not exist, and while it seems that
most people agree that Saddam is like you say, evil and despotic. Can
you tell me why then, in the 12 years after the gulf war, no one other
than the US and UK have attempted to put forward any motion in the UN
to get rid of him? If not for the US forces, Saddam would probably
still be holding on to Kuwait today. If not for the US forces, Japan
would probably be ruling Australia today. If not for US forces, Soviet
or Chinese style Communism would be the form of government for the
majority of nations in the world. Sometimes forces is necessary
without the approval of a bunch of self-serving UN members.

SC> - So, leaders of AU, US and UK need to be sanctioned = TRUE


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