my earlier opposition to tax cuts??? Hehe these cold meds must be better
than I thought. While I am capable of being incoherent -- have been before,
probably will be again -- I do think you have me mixed up with someone

I have mixed feelings on tax cuts. Depends on which tax is being cut, and
how. Cutting taxes on dividends for example does not put much money into

Give ME a tax cut (or credit) and I will probably buy my kids new bikes,
and myself a newer car and computer. Goes right back into the economy.



> Isn't this a contradiction of your earlier opposition to tax cuts?
> I mean, by nature that would free up money into the economy, right?
> Here I am only asking.  I personally don't believe in the idea of wage based
> taxes.  I think that we can fund our federal government (with drastic cuts
> in the size and scope of the federal government) with tariffs, maybe a
> national sales tax.  I guess I am saying how drastically things need to
> change to make it really better for everyone.
> Tim
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dana Tierney [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2003 6:48 PM
> To: CF-Community
> Subject: Re: Bush decided to "take out Saddam" in March
> ::nod:: my remark was fairly casual.
> Still -- I believe the economy is being mishandled. This is a gut
> impression, and I may change my mind, but that is how I feel. No question
> internet stocks were overvalued at the end of the nineties, and the market
> was due for a correction. Nonetheless there is a certain "let them eat
> cake" aura to current policy; whereas Keynsian theory would call for an
> infusion of cash. Anyone thinks otherwise, I will listen; but perhaps not
> agree.
> > 
> > By the same token I don't see how Jr Bush (or Clinton) could truly be
> > blamed for the current economic downturn which is clearly a result of an
> > unrealistic market.
> > 
> > The point is that regardless of the administration there are an enormous
> > number of indicators political, technological and social for economic
> > success or failure.  And you can't consider one in isolation as causal.
> > 
> > Jim Davis
> > 
> > 
> > 
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