Does anyone know offhand if BlueDragon supports cfwddx?

--  Ben Doom
    Programmer & General Lackey
    Moonbow Software, Inc

: -----Original Message-----
: From: Haggerty, Mike [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
: Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2003 4:49 PM
: To: CF-Community
: Subject: Coldfusion is King
: Alright, I am letting off a little steam here. It has been a long
: week, and
: Friday is still hours away.
: Coldfusion is king among dynamic Web technologies. Period. It is
: easy to use
: and does not require you to build an API every time you want to do
: something. I have known this for a long time, but sometimes I am forced to
: prove this fact via a practical demonstration (in much the same way as a
: gibbering idiot sometimes proves he cannot pound railroad spikes into
: concrete walls with his own forehead).
: I have a project where we need a low-cost data feed technology to
: distribute
: to regional offices. What will happen is the contents of a
: database will be
: thrown into a WDDX packet, which will be downloaded via a Web
: server to the
: central office. The data can be anything, but the transport
: protocol must be
: http. And the technology must already be installed or else freely
: available,
: meaning we can will use PHP, Perl or ASP.
: So I get to learn how to automatically post variables to a Web
: server in PHP
: and return the content.
: To do the following in CF:
: <cfset login = structNew()>
: <cfset = "someuser">
: <cfset login.pass = "somepass">
: <cfset = "somecall">
: <cfwddx input="#login#" output="WXDDlogin" action="CFML2WDDX">
: <cfhttp url=""; method="POST"
: resolveurl="true" throwonerror="no">
:     <cfhttpparam name="login" value="#WXDDlogin#" type="FORMFIELD">
: </cfhttp>
: <cfwddx input="#cfhttp.fileContent#" output="data" action="WDDX2CFML">
: insanely difficult to do in PHP.
: First off, their file system functions are restricted to local operations,
: meaning you have to connect to their server via a socket connection. Once
: that connection is open, you have to write the F***ING headers yourself to
: GET and POST data, which is not easy considering you have to write one for
: each and every piece of data you wish to post. The resulting
: content is not
: a WDDX packet, it is a raw HTTP packet which you then get to
: strip via regex
: functions. Then, if you are lucky and everything worked the way it was
: supposed to, you have a WDDX packet you can deserialize and start
: using. If
: you are unlucky and something goes wrong, poor you because the debug
: information is sparse at best.
: Now, this would not be such a big deal were it not for the nearly complete
: lack of information on how to do this. In the time it has taken
: me to figure
: out the steps in the code I could have rewritten the Bible. I have endured
: millions of pop-up ads going through 'tutorial' sites for info on how to
: make this work. I have posted dozens of questions to PHP lists
: and for each
: one received at least 10 responses from people who either didn't
: understand
: the question or think asking 'Why would you want to do that?' is
: an answer.
: I could go on, but the problem is now solved and the data client is now in
: place. At least I won't have to learn how to do this again. I
: built out all
: the functions into a class library, and now have the equivalent
: of CFHTTP in
: PHP to use on further development.
: It only took me about a week to complete a simple task that would
: have taken
: 15 minutes to set up in CF.
: Praise the king.
: M
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