
truly sorry to hear about you not feeling well - that's far worse than the 
computer being sick.

Will go say the Misheberach (sp?) for ya.

Positive thoughts headed your way.


P.S. - what did McCoy say to the body of the alien Kirk killed?
"It's Jim, dead."

> Well, when it rains it truly pours. As many of you know, my computer went
> down last friday. I've been trying to make due with this tiny laptop
> (literally tiny) and hating it.
> Just got the results back. Catastrophic failure of everything except the
> CPU. No ram, HD, MB or anything else. This also means that all my data for
> the last half dozen years or so is probably lost unless I can get it
> recovered.
> Add to that a small issue that the pain I've been having is colitis. This
> all sucks. :(
> The timing is the worst possible and it may force me to do some drastic
> things. I'm going to offer myself to Macromedia for some sort of paying
> position (like making sure their email works properly). If that doesn't work
> (which I really don't expect it to) then I'm going to see about seperating
> myself from FA and then offer myself to New Atlanta. I don't want to do it,
> but...
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