>  I agree with you about the amount of post-back code relied on 
> for 
> interaction; I hate it.  It goes against my theories on good 
> coding 
> practices.

Curious:  What are those theories?

>  I would assume that when the author said that using .NET (or 
> specifically) allows the programmer access to the entire machine 
> he meant 
> the server, not the client.  But, I don't have enough experience 
> to say yes 
> or no either way.

He means the server machine.

>  I have heard from one person having serious problems in 
> production 
> environments because of web forms; and quite a few people who have 
> had no 
> noticable performance degradation.

As with most things, one must be judicious in the use of a feature.

> >  I really don't understand how <asp:label runat="server" 
> text="hello"> is any
> >better or easier that <span>hello</span> .

Although the label tag is fairly useless, it is nice to be able to change the text in 
the label on the server side.

> >
> >I'm amazed at how much post-back was relied on for interaction, 
> especially 
> >when
> >you consider that keeping viewstate increases page sizes 
> immensely when 
> >using so
> >databound controls.

If need be, you can store viewstate in places other than the page itself.  Also, 

Which book did you read?  A lot of the ASP.NET books out there stink.

> >I do think that using ASP.net on the backend might be useful, but 
> I'm still
> >convinced that Flash remoting would be a better interface for the 
> GUI.

Flash remoting is not a GUI.

> >methods that ASP.net uses to simulate a fat client just seem to 
> be so much
> >kludge, it seems that its bound to make inefficient interfaces.

Again, being judicious in the use of web controls is the key.

> >
> >Another thing that caught my attention was when the author said 
> "using the 
> >.net
> >framework allows the programmer to access the entire machine".  
> Is this
> >something that we really want given Microsofts security issues in 
> the past.
> >Will this open up more machines to successful hacking attempts?  
> I'm not 
> >enough
> >of a systems programmer to know this, it just perked up my ears 
> when I read it
> >though.

Server machine... server machine...

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