
He's very liberal, which is why he has been able to pull out the fringe groups.  He 
even said himself, "A centrist in Vermont, is a liberal everywhere else."  He touts a 
balanced budget, but when you have taxes as high as they are in Vermont, it's not 
hard.  He's also weak on defense in my opinion.  His problem is going to be when it 
comes to states outside of Iowa and New Hampshire, when those "fringe" groups that he 
has built his base on aren't there in the same numbers.  I think you will see Dean 
fade late, especially if Wesley Clark jumps in.

Of course you can see me with Governor Dean at http://www.ninedwarfs.com

>I'm looking at some of the mail in my outlook and there's some interesting
>things here. A CF programmer looking to make a Dean fan site, Klingons for Dean,
>Sims for Dean, etc. I don't know who this guy is, yet I see grass roots groups
>jumping up for him. Groups that are not the norm, fringe even (People dressed up
>as Klingons can be classified as such).
>Now if I wanted to become president, I'd manipulate my ratings in the exact same
>way this guy seems to be doing. Get all the small groups together as well as the
>big ones. Perfect building for a presidential bid.
>So is it all true? Does he really have support from Klingons, geeks and all the
>'others'? Who is he? What does he actually stand for? I already know Bush and
>don't like him much and I despise Lieberman, so who's left?
>Yeah, its early for politics, but....
>Michael Dinowitz
>Finding technical solutions to the problems you didn't know you had yet
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