>Yea, basically any/every thing we do as programmers can be done
>remotely... In some ways / cases I think remote work is even better
>than work done on-site. As an individual I think I may actually have
>less distractions at home than in the office, plus I'm apt to work
>more than 8 hrs salaried or otherwise. Don't ask. I'm a massochist. :)

No arguments here. With a computer, most of our work can be
accomplished with a computer, Instant Messaging, email and a
telephone.At times there are far fewer distractions. Although why
others if they think you're working at home automatically mean its OK
to disturb you is beyond me.

>Suits rarely agree that work even _can_ be done remotely much less
>that it might be better work. The CEO at a company I worked with for
>some time last year referenced a study that had been done nearly a
>decade ago when iirc AT&T (or some other huge corp) made a huge push
>to make a lot of their work done remotely and produced a report that
>claimed they lost 40% of their productivity.

Its a certain controlling type of a mindset as far as I can see. I'd
like to see that study done using more modern technology - DSL/Cable,
with IM, email etc.

>Interesting though the report may have been, somehow I doubt that the
>statistic is particularly usefull in the long term. This was a report
>done on the productivity (as well as it can be measured) of a ton of
>people who had all been used to working in the office for decades,
>suddenly sent home with relatively poor tools to work with. People now
>are more used to the idea of things being generally accessible in a
>remote environment and the tools for doing so are a lot better than
>they were a decade ago, so I suspect that especially on a case by case
>basis the statistic is pretty irrelevant.
>Congrats on the new job btw Larry, sounds awesome.

Thanks, Its going to be a challenge, its all my effort literally from
the ground up. I'm choosing hardware, the development environment,
app server and database. The direction will be mine. On the other
hand the success or failure is mine as well. An interesting challenge
to say the least. Its my favourite type of situation. Aim me at a
problem and step back. The end result will be a very good solution.
It may not be the expected solution, but it will be a good one.

>I'm still sorta struggling myself although it seems to be getting
>better for me. I'm trying to finish up a contract with the staffing
>department of a US Defense Contractor here in Dallas -- unfortunately
>it's like the project that wouldn't die, so for one reason or another
>getting the final details taken care of is like pulling teeth. And at
>the same time starting a new project, again sub-contracting with the
>end client being AT&T Wireless.

Sounds like a couple of projects that I've worked on. One of which I
am still half responsible for the collapse of the Russian economy in
the mid 90's.

>As to the commute, the local company is only about 10-20 minutes drive
>(although my car is another horror story), and fortunately the AT&T
>contract is remote work... The downside is I have to turn off my
>firewall to connect to their VPN! <<yYyeeEeEEaaAAaAAARRRRGGGHHH!!!>>

Commuting in this area is a very critical factor. The AAA has
estimated that LA and Washington DC regions have the worst commutes
in the nation.

I do not turn off my firewall, (either the hardware NAT or the
software fireall) for almost any reason. I've had to clean out a
couple of viruses and never ever want to duplicate that fun

>If nothing else I'm happy to have them both on my resume. :)
>p.s. condolences on the rodent condition. :)

Careful or the next time I see you I'll inflict the ferrets on you.
You'll learn what ferret legging really involves. Its a relatively
common condition among ferrets in North America. There's a very
limited gene pool with ferrets from Marshall Farms, with early
neutering etc, that produces a tendency for insulinoma and adrenal
cancers. We've decided that from now on that when we get  other
ferrets, they will be from private breeders. That may limit these
endocrinological diseases.

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