Well, we started at 8am, took a 20 minute break at 1:10, took another hour break
at 4 and then went on till the end at about 8pm. The not eating wasn't the
problem, it was the standing while praying for an hour or two at a time. My back
was not happy. Add in last night and we had about 14 hours of prayer all
On a different note, I did see a brilliant red bird outside the window during
Torah reading. Just sat there till the end and then left. Must have been
freezing (it was really cold today).

> Yes!
> did the whole bit (Reform style, that is - probably nowhere near you, MD !!)
> fasted, no food/water except tiny bit to take my heart meds
> we are like cruise ships at my temple - first and second services
> for Kol Nidre and Yom Kippur morning,
> one service for Afternoon/Healing/Neilah,
> as not as many people go :-(
> we close the Neilah service with a procession of kids carrying candles
> neat
> you probably have one service twice as long as ours :-)
> -Ben
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