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Governor Orders Feeding Resumed for Florida Woman

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (Reuters) - Florida Gov. Jeb Bush on Tuesday ordered
doctors to resume tube-feeding a severely brain-damaged woman at the
center of a battle between family members over whether she should live
or die.

Bush acted within hours of the state legislature passing a controversial
bill giving him authority to overrule a court order under which
nutrition and water for Theresa "Terri" Schiavo, 39, were cut off five
days ago.

Bush's office said he signed the bill into law and issued an executive
order countering the court ruling which would be served to doctors
caring for Schiavo, who has been in a vegetative state for more than 13

The controversial bill, rushed through the Florida legislature in two
days, was a last-ditch effort to save Schiavo. Without feeding tubes,
she had been expected to die within two weeks.


Perhaps you should actually read that article, and the link you posted.
But here, I'll help you:

"We've been fighting for the right thing, which is to give her a
chance," Schindler said. "She's never had a chance, and that's the most
despicable part of this. She was literally shelved. She has not been out
of this room over here in the hospice for three years."

Schindler said his daughter would need physical therapy, because she
hasn't had any in 10 years.

"So we have to restore her physically first and then go after her brain
damage," he said. "It's not as bad as what people think, or are saying
that it is."

Terri Schiavo, 39, suffered heart failure in 1990. Doctors said she is
responsive but shows no significant cognitive ability, and that she was
left in that condition when her heart failure cut the flow of oxygen to
her brain, leaving it damaged.

Schiavo is not terminally ill, but because of her condition, she cannot
feed herself, so the feeding tube provides her with nutrition and water.

***She left no written instructions about her wishes should she be
incapacitated, but Michael Schiavo said she made it clear before her
collapse that she did not want to be sustained with life support.***

***Michael Schiavo collected more than $1 million in malpractice
settlements stemming from his wife's collapse,***

And he'd have a million bucks too if she were dead and the courts had
not frozen the funds.


-----Original Message-----
From: Bill Wheatley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2003 2:58 PM
To: CF-Community
Subject: RE: This is .....

>In any case, the courts have apparently agreed there is enough grounds
for them to stay this woman's execution.

Dude thats bs the courts ruled she could be let off the tube.

"In any case, the courts have apparently agreed there is enough grounds
for them to stay this woman's execution."

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