lol sorry I just put in that comment about adolescent chicks cos I couldn't resist.  I always do things like that and it gets me into trouble sometimes.

Most of these girls I treat them like my sisters lol.

However, I've had problems where i would approach a chick who would look 18 yrs old and turn out to be 14.  Sometimes there would be a chick who looks 14 but she's 22!  What do they eat man!  But those are the old days  I am happy with my 21 yr old fiancee :)
  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Dan Phillips (
  To: CF-Community
  Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2003 3:52 PM
  Subject: RE: SUV's

  4) Don't screw any high school chicks - you'll probably get thrown in

  5) Never pet a burning dog

  And if you do decide to screw high school chicks, use protection or the
  dog won't be the only thing buring if you get my drift.

  -----Original Message-----
  From: Jim Campbell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2003 4:50 PM
  To: CF-Community
  Subject: Re: SUV's

  Some words of advice:

  1) Be attentive of other drivers - a lot of people are in smaller cars
  and can't see through your big-ass engine block when you're pulled all
  the way up in the left lane and they want to make a right.

  2) Turn slowly - SUV's are almost universally top-heavy and can roll
  over if you take a corner too quickly or have to suddenly change
  direction on a road (swerving to avoid something for instance).

  3) Take plenty of time to stop - you're driving a big truck and you'll
  have to allow for more time to come to a rest than you would in a normal


  4) Don't screw any high school chicks - you'll probably get thrown in

  5) Never pet a burning dog.

  - Jim

  brob wrote:

  >hey guys, this Friday I will be chaperoning my sister's high school
  field trip.  I'll be driving some of the class to a park in a rental
  SUV.  I've never driven an SUV before, and was wondering how it handles.
  I don't want to flip it over or anything!
  >I'm just there for the free food and boy crazy adolescent chicks.
  >man, what's gonna suck is that I'm probably gonna have to chit chat
  with the teachers, since I'm the other adult.  And i'm not a chit chatty
  person!  What's worse, some of them are my former teachers.  dont know
  if they will like how I turned out haha.

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