Marlon said:
> Okay, I'm just a little apprehensive about having surgery
> tomorrow.  I'm
> having my gall bladder removed.  It's the first time anyone's
> cut on my
> body in all my 34 years.  Anyone else have this surgery?  I'm
> having the
> laproscopic procedure so I've heard the recovery's not that bad.
> Halloween is really going to suck bad this year :-(

I had this same procedure done one year ago today. It was an overnight stay
followed by about a week for recovery. The week is more for being cautious
than anything else - you'll feel pretty good in a day or two. You'll be sore
where the incisions are, so laughing, sneezing and coughing and getting up
off the couch will hurt. Pressing a pillow against your abdomen helps with
that. All I needed for pain was Tylenol . . . You'll get three small
incisions up around your gall bladder and one down in your navel (to blow up
your abdomen like a balloon so they can work around in there and, if I
remember correctly, also for extracting the gall bladder). This procedure is
a piece of cake compared to the old fashioned way (which they still have to
use if the gall bladder is infected or diseased or necrotic). Using the old
fashioned way they make a rather large incision so they can directly access
the gall bladder and the recovery time is about 6 weeks . . . If you go
laparoscopic, the biggest discomfort you will feel will probably be when
they take out the staples in your incisions in a couple of weeks . . . Be
prepared for surprises as your digestive system adapts itself to life
without a gall bladder . . . Feel free to contact me offline if you want
more info . . . Good Luck.


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