I really hope that is not the case as I accept ALL mail sent to my server. I
bounce nothing.

> OHHH another fun thing. You know how aol does its check of OPEN RELAYS??
> its complete freaking crap. They don't really check they simply email
> your server with something that should bounce and if it doesn't you're
> an open relay. For awhile with another client i was testing our smtp
> server so i disabled bounces for a bit and within 2 days we were a open
> relay. I emailed and emailed and emailed but never managed to get a hold
> of a person so i eventually just turned off the bounce disable.  I was
> tempted to use my ediets contacts i have with aol but i decided not to.
> My thinking was that if i couldn't get a hold of a human through the
> channels they provide in there owe so vague email then everyone else has
> that problem too. grr

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