I can't help with the data recovery, sorry.

However I would consider looking at the cause: if the drive is clicking it's
probably that the read/write is striking the platter.  This can be caused by
heat: is the machine that this drive was in ventilated and cooled enough for
it?  Drives get hot (mostly due to friction between the air inside the drive
and the spinning platter) - when they get TOO hot the arm that olds the
read-write head can warp and strike the platter - every click is a chunk of
your data getting smashed.

I've been there.  I lost a lot of data in my first big drive failure. now
all my drives are in RAID 1 (mirror) arrays and the systems which host them
are well ventilated (I actually take hole saws and cut out the grills/add
exhaust, etc).

I'm sorry for the loss: but don't let it happen again!

Jim Davis


From: Erika L Walker-Arnold [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, December 19, 2003 2:21 PM
To: CF-Community
Subject: Failed 8 month old IBM hard drive

That whole hard drive thread jinxed us.

Our 120 GIG IBM drive just failed. It goes "clink, clink, clink, clink"
and won't mount.

We tooko it to a data recovery place where for $85 they told us it was
definitely a physical failure.

They want another $300 to take it into a clean room and take it apart to
see if they can get a directory listing. IF and ONLY IF they can get a
directory listing, then it would be another $1000-$3000 to pull the
stuff off to CD's.

The really bad part of this and why I am freaking? ALL 10,000+ of our
digital pics from the past 2 years are on this. All the Europe pics, our
wedding pics, party pics, all kinds of events. Many GIGs worth of

It was our backup hard drive for our files, and our destination drive
for our software downloads. Some of this I have backups of, but not of
the pictures. OH boy what a lesson to learn ... It's like having all
your pictures burn up in a fire.

My question to you lot ... What are our options?

Right now I know I'm on the horn to IBM IF I can get a number to
complain very loudly.
But what about the data? Is that the right price to recover stuff like
Is there something we can do?
Does anyone have a data recovery service they recommend???

ANY and ALL HELP is appreciated ..

And no, I don't need to be told to back up more often. Lectures are not
needed. Thank you.
Already upset enough over the possible loss of our 2-year history of
photos. Especially our fantastic Eiffel Tower shots. <sigh>

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