Evil, Evil, Evil.  Why we in the US would congratulate him, vote him back into
office if he hadn't been so thoughtless to help get us out of Clinton's
  -----Original Message-----
  From: cantrl. a [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Thursday, January 08, 2004 9:00 AM
  To: CF-Community
  Subject: Re:US Deficit a threat to the world economy IMF

  Some possible outcomes:

  >It would seem that Shrub it trying to outdo himself. Not satisfied
  >with ruining the US economy, he's now trying to do the same to the
  >world's economy.
  >US deficit threatens world economy - IMF
  >Thursday, January 08 08:43:14
  >The US is running up a foreign debt of such record-breaking
  >proportions that it threatens the financial stability of the global
  >economy, according to a report released today by the International
  >Monetary Fund (IMF).
  >Prepared by a team of IMF economists, the report sounded a loud alarm
  >about the shaky fiscal foundation of the US, questioning the wisdom
  >of the Bush administration's tax cuts and warning that large budget
  >deficits pose "significant risks" not just for the United States but
  >for the rest of the world.
  >The report warns that the US' net financial obligations to the rest
  >of the world could be equal to 40pc of its total economy within a few
  >years - "an unprecedented level of external debt for a large
  >industrial country," which could play havoc with the value of the
  >dollar and international exchange rates.
  >The dangers, according to the report, are that the US' voracious
  >appetite for borrowing could push up global interest rates and thus
  >slow global investment and economic growth.
  >"Higher borrowing costs abroad would mean that the adverse effects of
  >US fiscal deficits would spill over into global investment and
  >output," the report said.
  >The report also said that the dollar had been hurt by the mushrooming
  >US current account and budget deficits, which could crowd out private
  >investment and erode confidence in the US currency.
  >"This trend is likely to continue to put pressure on the US dollar,
  >particularly because the current account deficit increasingly
  >reflects low saving rather than high investment," said the report.
  >However, White House officials have dismissed the report as alarmist,
  >saying that President Bush has already vowed to reduce the budget
  >deficit by half over the next five years.
  >The deficit reached USD374bn last year, a record in dollar terms but
  >not as a share of the total economy, and it is expected to exceed
  >USD400bn this year.
  >Larry C. Lyons
  >Life is Complex. It has both real and imaginary parts.
  >Chaos, Panic and Disorder. My work here is done.
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