I was waiting until we hear Bush's official statement. But if he wants to
persue an envigorated space program, I wholeheartedly support it. It's a win
either way. Either we get bubble domes on the moon to play in, or (more
likely) Bush crash and burns on this at election time.

Yay! Bubble dome crash and burn!

Seriously though, as crappy as our shuttle program is now, it led to a
buttload of material science advances that we benefit from every day.


----- Original Message -----
From: "John Stanley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "CF-Community" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, January 09, 2004 1:06 PM
Subject: Space Colonization -- Good or Bad Idea

> I havent seen a thread on this list about this topic in a while, and in
> light of the upcoming Bush speech on a permanent Moon base as well as a
> manned mission to Mars.
> I think we should colonize space. It's a good idea for our species as a
> whole. Maybe, eventually it will relieve some of the pressures we are
> inflicting on the earth, although I have a sneaking suspicion that there
> wouldnt really be a huge push to do this until we were as a species
> for recources here on Terra Firma.
> Also, hopefully another space race with lofty will push technology forward
> again, maybe even help us figuire out fusion power.
> I happen to think that civilizations should have at least one great
> that they are working on. Okay, maybe that is from too many months playing
> the Civ games but it seems to make sense. They spark techology advances,
> employ vast amounts of people.
> So what do you guys think?
> Plus, we may one day have ray guns!!!!
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