
You sound like you have developed an addiction to complex carbohydrates.  I agree with the other comments - go low carb or zone diet and get on a rigorous combination of aerobic and anaerobic exercise.  I have lost a net of 110 pounds doing it.

For more information:  go to

>I need some advice on losing some weight. Over the last year I have
>gained about 30 pounds and its all in my gut. I call it my coder gut.
>:-\ Any way. I want to lose a few pounds but I don't really know where
>to start.
>I'm clueless about health eating. All I really eat is pasta, some type
>of potato and beans. I've started eating salad for lunch with a cup of
>soup but that is as healthy as it gets. So what are some simple things I
>can do to start losing some pounds?
>Phillip B.
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