Overall, 52 percent of those polled by NEWSWEEK say they would not like to see
Bush serve a second term, compared to 44 percent who want to see him win again
in November. As a result, Kerry is enjoying a marginal advantage over Bush, a
first for the poll. Forty-nine percent of registered voters chose Kerry,
compared to 46 percent who re-elected Bush. In fact, all Democrats are polling
better against Bush, perhaps due to increased media attention to their primary
horserace: Clark gets 47 percent of voters’ choice compared to 48 percent from
Bush; Edwards has 46 percent compared to Bush’s 49; Lieberman wins 45 percent
versus Bush’s 49 percent; and Dean fares the worst with 45 percent of their
votes to Bush’s 50 percent.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Andy Ousterhout" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "CF-Community" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, January 24, 2004 5:14 PM
Subject: RE: Kay Leaves. Says there are no WMD. His replacement says the same.

: Ah.  You must be part of that thoughtful middle.
: For a second there, I thought you were a left-wing extremist who sees
: everything through a jaundiced eye based off of the fact that Bush is
: Lucifer's brother.
: Andy
:   -----Original Message-----
:   From: Doug White [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
:   Sent: Saturday, January 24, 2004 12:08 PM
:   To: CF-Community
:   Subject: Re: Kay Leaves. Says there are no WMD. His replacement says the
: same.
:   We already know enough to replace him next November. Can you say "Continuing
:   Criminal Enterprise?"
:   There are no WMD, Civil rights are being trashed.  Right to attorney and
: speedy
:   trial is a thing of the past.
:   Legal Immigrants are treated unfairly, by giving benefits to undocumented
:   (illegal) immigrants. World Community has been nearly completely alienated.
: The
:   US is thought of now as was thought of the old USSR during the so-called
: cold
:   war era.
:   The task is to decide on who would be the best.  The most conservative is
: Clark,
:   the richest is Kerry.
:   The drastic increase in national debt is worrying other countries about an
:   economic collapse.  The US dollar has dropped considerable against other
: world
:   currencies.  Halliburton now admits receiving kickbacks from the Kuwaitis.
:   He claims the economy is strong, yet the stock market is falling counter to
:   that.
:   Still 3 million jobs lost, and he brags on 100,000 created. His answer is to
:   retrain the unemployed to fill available jobs.  Can you say "Convenience
: store
:   clerk?" or "Pizza Delivery?"  Retraining is, however, unfunded.
:   More money is being spent to bolster the economy of Iraq, than is being
: spent to
:   bolster the US economy.  The rich has had tax reduction, and the common
: folks
:   are looking at over $20,000 in national debt for every man woman and child.
:   Congressional spending has gone wild, and that used to be blamed on the
:   Democrats!
:   Shrub and Co. accomplished all this in only two years, and he want us to
: give
:   him four more?
:   What to do?
:   : Gel,
:   :
:   : I am not sure if anyone really believes that there are WMD"s there.  If
: Bush
:   : were smart(and I know that there are those of you who think he is not), he
:   : would start those discussions now, versus closer to the elections.
:   : Unfortunately, he has surrounded himself with Yes-men.
:   :
:   : This WMD thing just needs to put upfront so we can start a realistic
: appraisal
:   : of whether we should have know this and if so, why didn't we.
:   :
:   : Andy
:   :   "http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/3424831.stm"http://news.bbc.c
:   :   o.uk/1/hi/world/americas/3424831.stm
:   :
:   :   US chief Iraq arms expert quits
:   :
:   :   *The head of the team searching for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq,
:   :
:   :   David Kay, has resigned. *
:   :
:   :   Mr Kay said he did not believe Iraq possessed large stockpiles of
:   :
:   :   chemical or biological weapons.
:   :
:   :   He is being replaced by a former deputy head of the United Nations
:   :
:   :   weapons inspections team, Charles Duelfer.
:   :
:   :   Mr Duelfer said earlier this month he believed the chances of finding
:   :
:   :   chemical or biological weapons in Iraq were now "close to nil".
:   :
:   :   Mr Kay gave no reason for leaving, but the BBC's John Leyne in
:   :
:   :   Washington says sources there speak of a mixture of personal reasons and
:   :
:   :   his disillusionment with the weapons search.
:   :
:   :   His resignation had been expected for a few weeks....
:   :
:   :   --------------------------
:   :
:   :   -Gel
:   :
:   :
:   :
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