Rape Rooms??????????????
Jessica Lynch denied being raped, shot or intentionally injured by the Iraqis.
All her injuries came from the vehicle crash.  She did not fire a shot. In fact
the Iraqis tried to return her to US custody twice but were fought back by US
forces.  The entire "Production" made by the US of the "Rescue" has many times
been debunked as a stage production.

Read her book, Listen to her many interviews.

----- Original Message -----
From: "cantrl.a" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "CF-Community" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, January 26, 2004 9:06 AM
Subject: Re:Kay Leaves. Says there are no WMD. His replacement says the same.

: Yeah, but what about the rape rooms? Aren't we in a war on rape rooms? Weren't
you watching the news when our brave troops saved Jessica Lynch from a rape
room? Supposedly she was being raped in a rape room when our guys came in to
save her from a rape room. Are rape rooms not worth fighting for?? Are rape
rooms not worth paying $100 Billion to stop? Sadaam was huge on rape rooms, his
bathroom was even a rape room. We don't need a permission slip to fight a war on
rape rooms. Rape rooms? Bring em on!!
: Jeez, you guys really have a warped worldview to sit here and promote rape
rooms like this. For heaven's sake, think of the rape rooms!!!!
: :)
: >"http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/3424831.stm"http://news.bbc.c
: >o.uk/1/hi/world/americas/3424831.stm
: >
: >US chief Iraq arms expert quits
: >
: >*The head of the team searching for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq,
: >
: >
: >David Kay, has resigned. *
: >
: >Mr Kay said he did not believe Iraq possessed large stockpiles of
: >
: >chemical or biological weapons.
: >
: >He is being replaced by a former deputy head of the United Nations
: >
: >weapons inspections team, Charles Duelfer.
: >
: >Mr Duelfer said earlier this month he believed the chances of finding
: >
: >chemical or biological weapons in Iraq were now "close to nil".
: >
: >Mr Kay gave no reason for leaving, but the BBC's John Leyne in
: >
: >Washington says sources there speak of a mixture of personal reasons and
: >
: >
: >his disillusionment with the weapons search.
: >
: >His resignation had been expected for a few weeks....
: >
: >--------------------------
: >
: >-Gel
: >
: >
: >
: >
: >---
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: >Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
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: >
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