I had a similar thing hapen to me. . but worst!!

My gf (now wife) had to have fondue. She loves cheese like no other.  I've
had the real thing in the alps a few times so nothing in colorado will
likely compare.  So we eat there and its nice that there are four courses
and I dont really mind cooking it myself so that its exactly what I like but
I do agree that its expensive as can be for some boiling oil, some
chocolate, some bread, and some cheese without a chef in the back doing his
magic.  But, it tastes decent.  I like to eat a lot sometimes which scares
some people and I was hungry that night so I ate a lot and I was thirsty.
As I was stepping out of the restaurant, I remembered what one of the swiss
waiters had told me.  " Dont drink a lot of cold liquids with fondue"  Why
you ask?  Well, If you have a pound or two of molten cheese in your stomach,
you can digest it if it stays molten.  But as soon as you pour cold liquids
on it, it freezes!!!  So, it becomes about 20x harder to digest!!!  So, dont
drink lots of liquids when eating fondue!!
So, I had this awful stomach ache for hours upon hours. I thought I was
giong to die.  I didnt puke and spurt like in Crits story but it was ZERO
fun.  The really sad thing (aside from knowing that it was all my fault) is
that my gf loved it!!!  So, now I wont go with her there and she goes with
friends.  Every so often she croons "can we have fondue" and I croon back
"let me get the kraft slices into the microwave".  DRE

-----Original Message-----
From: Charlie Griefer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 19, 2004 8:53 AM
To: CF-Community
Subject: Fondue Redux

in an incident totally unrelated to this thread (which I admit to not having
followed), we went out for fondue last night.

Tuesday was my wife's birthday, and her sister's is this Saturday.  So we
all went out (her folks included) to a place in Scottsdale, AZ called "The
Melting Pot" (I believe it's a chain, although I don't know how pervasive it
is throughout the country).

I was rather disappointed.  Could have been related to the fact that my 20
month old daughter refused to nap during the day, so she was a holy terror
by the time we got to the restaurant (i know what you're thinking...hard to
believe that anything related to a sweet guy like me could act like a holy
terror..but it's true!).

First "course" was the various breads and pot of cheese.  Now, I like bread
and a pot of cheese as much as the next guy...but that right there was $14.
Do you *know* how many quarter pounders (with cheese) I could have gotten
for $14?

Next was the salad, which wasn't bad.

Finally, the main course.  The oils were brought out, and shortely
thereafter our food.  I ordered the seafood trio, which contained scallops,
shrimp, and salmon.  It looked like sashimi (which I would much rather have
been eating).  My wife got some beef.

We were warned by our waitress to let the seafood sit in the oil for at
least a minute and a half (which seemed to me to be a conservative
estimate).  We were warned not to put raw seafood on the "eating" plate, or
to touch the raw seafood with out "eating" forks.  All the while, I'm
thinking it looks like sashimi and what's the big deal?  Regardless, 90
seconds of frying still left the middle of the scallops fairly raw.

So here I am thinking about the cost of this meal...and the fact that...I
HAVE TO COOK IT MYSELF.  Not only that, but I'm paying a LOT extra for the
'privelege' of COOKING IT MYSELF.  I'm sorry, but for those prices, it
should not only have been cooked, but also served to me by a nymphomaniac
Penthouse Pet of the Year who has a thing for bald married guys.

Bottom line is that my wife was happy to have tried it (and all of the men
in the audience know that when the wife is happy, we're happy), which is all
that mattered.  We all agreed that it was something different to experience,
but now that we have, it's crossed off of our list of "things to do/things
to try".

Damn but I do miss White Castle  : )

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