> From: Matthew P. Smith
> I'll find a good combo on newegg and order tonight.  I'll
> check around locally too.  I looked at the Logitech offering
> @ bestbuy when I saw the pro elite, and it din't look too
> bad.  I also think the was top pick for one of the pc game
> mags for mouses(the GOTY edition with jedi:kotor white/red
> cover or whoever).

Don't forget to check with Logitech themselves - they sometimes have
deals on phone in orders (last time I phoned in for something they had
$35 off of one of the combos)

You don't have to buy, just phone and check before you buy from NewEgg

To save you time: +1 800-231-7717 Logitech Sales
And it's a 1 800 number, so you've got no reason not to call <g>
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