nah, man, wasteland was the one to try and hack.  See, i played it several times over and over based simply on the fact that I could not figure out how to hack the stats.  The games that the hex storage for xp and money or whatever was easy to change, I got bored with them a week later.

What I liked was that you could keep the characters you picked up on the way through, so after a while i just had all VAX's running qround the desert.  It's funny, when i saw the first of the new starwars run, I kept thinking of ALL the droid dudes as VAX's.  :P

For Bard's tale, you wanted to go to the castle or deungeon or whatever on the notrh west of town, tp in to the floor with the huge room, the great hall or something.  The one where you opened the door and there were 4 groups of 99(the games max) of sorcerers.  Hit the spells that attack all and BOOM huge xp for all. tp out and leave so it resets the spot and gives you  chance to heal.  Wash, rinse, repeat.  It was the neverending xp honeypot for the game.

werd.  :P

-----Original Message-----
From: Raymond Camden
To: CF-Community
Sent: 3/1/04 8:49 AM
Subject: RE: dvd back up software

Bards Tale... my main memory of it is learning hex just so I could hack
experience points and stats. :>


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Brendan Avery [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, March 01, 2004 8:32 AM
> To: CF-Community
> Subject: RE: dvd back up software
> You can run Wasteland (if you're talking about the game from
> Interplay) in an Apple ][ emulator.  The only way to play old
> games esp Bards Tale and Ultima III and Autoduel, Yay! :-P  I
> suggest AppleWin.  Check out this kickass site for LOADS of
> disc images:
> And here's the AppleWin emulator site -- SOOO easy to use and
> soo good:
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