> It depends on what type of neighborhood you are looking for.
> 35 minutes is a normal commute in Connecticut. Within 40 miles of
> Meriden you can find deep woods, suburbs, urban areas and true city
> life.

Well, my current commute is 45 minutes one-way, so that does not sound too bad.

<cf_snip />

> Some extra costs:
> Storage rental taxes
> Manditory car insurance
> Income taxes.
> Higher sales tax.

Car ins. is mandatory here too, at least some minimums.
The state income tax may pinch me, as we don't have one here in FL (thanks tourists!). Until now I have always gotten the entirety of my taxes back (3 kids and a stay at home wife), but with the increase, I don't know.

> Its a lovely place to live.

Everything that I can find seems to point to that. Many places that look like awesome places to raise kids, and it looks like the schools are first-rate as well (esp. compared to FL schools).
Thanks for the info!
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