Kevin, thanks for the link!! /Ben

>> Interesting. Is there anyway to "output" back into my cable system? Like
>> take over channel 3 or something? The only place I would be able to use
>> is upstairs on a tiny tv, so it wouldn't get used much (however, I _would_
>> use it make nice copies of shows like Enterprise).
>Yes, but it might require some additional structural wiring in your home.
>What you want to is use a channel modulator and distributor. I had some guys
>do the infrastructure for it in my home but I haven't gotten the modulator
>part yet.
>Here's a link to some of the kinds of equipment:
>The way mine is (almost) set up, is I have RG-6 coax cable like normal that
>goes from a splitter (distributior, really) to every TV. Then on the
>device(s) that you want to act as a source, like DVD or TiVo, I have a
>second coax RG-6 cable that comes from the coax output, goes back into the
>wall and down to where all my cable comes in to the house. That RG-6 goes
>into a channel modulator to assign it to channel 88 or whatever, then into
>the distribution module that is all the RG-6 going to each TV. So tune any
>TV to channel 88 and see what the TiVo is playing.
>This kind of thing was originally for home security cameras, but is really
>catching on for things like satellite and TiVo. There are also RF remotes
>that you can get to control the TiVo from anywhere in the house.
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