Excuses, excuses.

Your vulnerability is your insensitivity to the needs of others. Just
running these lists is not enough; you must also embrace all the wackos,
low-lifes, and degenerates who hang out here if you really want it to be
a community. Just as it's harder to love a criminal, the reason for
accepting and being kind to the strangers amongst us is that they need
our support more than anyone else. A community should not be judged by
it's highest examples, but by the quality with which it enjoins it's
peers to shared interests.

There will invariably be lunatics who aren't interested in programming,
either in the form of spammers who want to market their goods or
prophets who want to share a message about what is to come.

Who is to say Li (Don) Chunshen's method of communication is so far out
there he deserves ridicule and admonishment? Who is to say you really
understand where he is coming from, or where he is going? Prophetic
speakers have many ways, and many ends, and your job is to open your
eyes to the many possibilities.

For every 100 facts you have, I will take 1 truth over them all. Li
(Don) Chunshen is trying to share one with us.

Today, Li (Don) Chunshen's sermon is on the mystery of evil.


-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Dinowitz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 08, 2004 10:22 AM
To: CF-Community
Subject: Re: How to be evil?

What can I say; I AM evil.

> Michael D. -
> HEY! You leave Li (Don) Chunshen alone!
> Li (Don) Chunshen is a great man and a genius to boot. We all respect
> everything he has to say, however he wants to say it. If he asks a
> question, it should be respected and answered.
> Period. This rancor from the list is cruel and mean spirited.
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