I actually do just buy the games, though usually used if I can find it.  Now, those of lesser morals might be inclined to use burnt dvd-r games, the bastards.  :P

1. put in a big hd(I think 120 is the biggest it will take.  You can put the iso of the game on there and the modded bios has a custom interface that lets you select the game and you just play that.
2. you can put linux on there, and then a media center package on that. I'm eyeing the freevo on sourceforge someone mentioned a week or so ago for either an additional xbox or my old, OLD gateway destination.
3. it has Ethernet, and a usb adapter is also available with the mod chip.  Throw one of those free wireless adapters that was on here a few weeks back and you can just map a drive or stream your media from the file server to the modded box.
4. linux/apache/mysql server for ~170$?  Yes, please.  I've heard of people having racks of Xboxes for server farms.
5. etc etc etc

Matthew P. Smith
Web Developer, Object Oriented
Naval Education & Training Professional
Development & Technology Center
(850)452-1001 ext. 1245

-----Original Message-----
From: Angel Stewart [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 17, 2004 2:44 PM
To: CF-Community
Subject: RE: ps2 and mod chips

Why did you mod your Xbox? And why do you want to Mod your PS2?

Is it just to get free games, or does this somehow enhance the playing

I have an Xbox, but I've never modded it or any of the other consoles
I've owned.


-----Original Message-----
From: Smith, Matthew   

Uhhhh.   Yeah.
What a wonderful sleep agent General Tsu's and eggdrop is...  :P
I have a chip sitting at home for my xbox, and am considering getting a
ps2 in a bit,  
but I would like to learn a bit more about the ps2 side of the game.   
Ty.  I'll be napping at my desk should you need me.

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