oh man....I don't know whats happening. I made the below changes to the CF administrator. Stopped and restarted the CF service etc.

I opening my app and just let it sit for about an hour. Maybe a little more. Did a refresh and I get the same error again. I don't understand!!!

The [] operator can only be applied to an indexed object. The provided object "SESSION.stDirFileAttributes" is not indexed in dimension 1. In ColdFusion indexed objects can be query columns,
arrays, structs and COM objects.

The error occurred while processing an element with a general identifier of (CFSET), occupying document position (7:2) to (7:56).

--Original Message Text---
From: Bushy
Date: Tue, 23 Mar 2004 07:10:37 -0500

ok...I increased the sessioned variables from 20 minutes (default) to 12 hours. I'll see what happens now. Application variables were set to 2 hours.

--Original Message Text---
From: Ian Skinner
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 2004 12:35:12 -0800

<cfapplication name="MyApplication" clientmanagement="Yes"

You may not be able to set a 12 hour timeout with the <cfapplication...> tag, if the MAXIMUM setting in the Cold Fusion Administrator [{cfmxroot}/CFIDE/ADMINISTRATOR/INDEX.CFM] Memory
Variables is less this this. If I recall correctly the default maximum in the Administrator is 2 hours. Even if you set the timeout in the tag to be 365 days, the session will timeout in 2 hours or whatever
this overriding timeout is, ours has been upped to 2 days. There is also a default timeout value in the administrator under the Memory Variables, which is the timeout of session variables if a value is
not set with the <cfapplication...> tag. I believe this defaults to 20 minutes.

Ian Skinner
Web Programmer
Sacramento, CA

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