Oh wait, maybe I can help ... I read about this once before somewhere
...... Hover needs to be the last element in the list for the rest to
work properly ... ??
Anyone else ever heard that? Well, worth a try anyway?
As a side note, I ALWAYS build my stylesheets with hover as the last in
the list ...


>>| -----Original Message-----
>>| From: Bailey, Neal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>| /*
>>|  <--- Top Horizontal Menu -
>>|  */
>>|  table.lix2 a {
>>|  display: block;
>>|  width:128px;
>>|  border-Top: 1px solid #FFFFFF;  /*border:1px solid white;*/
>>|  border-Bottom: 1px solid #FFFFFF;  /*border:1px solid white;*/
>>|  border-Right: 1px solid #FFFFFF;
>>|  }
>>|  td.lix2 a {
>>|  color:#FFFFFF;
>>|  background-color:#5880A2;
>>|  font:11px Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
>>|  text-align: center;
>>|  text-decoration: none;
>>|  padding: 2px 2px 2px 2px;
>>|  height: 21px;
>>|  font-weight:bold;
>>|  cursor:hand;
>>|  filter:blendTrans(duration=0.9);
>>|  }
>>| td.lix2 a:link {
>>|  color:#FFFFFF;
>>|  }
>>| td.lix2 a:hover {
>>|  color:#FFFFFF;
>>|  background-color:#FF8E04;
>>|  }
>>| td.lix2 a:active {
>>|  color:#FFFFFF;
>>|  background-color:#FF8E04;
>>|  }
>>| Thanks,
>>| Neal Bailey
>>| Internet Marketing Manager
>>| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>>| ~~~~~~~~~|
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