Well, it seems that the current trend in outsourcing programming work is
like an experiment to see if it will stick. If it does, it can save a ton of
cold hard cash in the near term. Always very seductive, even at the expense
of quality. When it makes good sense for manufacturing, why not try it for
programming? The economy being as it has been for the past few years,
there's always abundant opportunity to experiment. However, as I've
previously mentioned, with a strengthening economy the experimentation will
subside because of competitive pressure under expansionary conditions.
Outsourcing programming will prove to be unsustainable because of this,
IMHO. Instead save the cash by using a J2EE platform that lets you develop
with less domestic resources, not more-but-cheaper foreign resources (hint:
ColdFusion MX on JRun.)

Louis Mezo
Tel: 240.498.8951

Son, did you crack admin at http://www.logicsynthesis.com yet?

  -----Original Message-----
  From: David Simcik [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Monday, October 18, 2004 4:09 PM
  To: CF-Jobs-Talk
  Subject: The State of Programming in the United States?

      I read a truly scary article on the Christian Science Monitor last
  week that stated rather matter-a-factly that the American programmer was
  about to become as extinct as the dinosaur because of foreign
  competition. As people that are in the know, at least as far as Cold
  Fusion development is concerned, do you think this position is true? If
  so, what are you doing about it? If not, why is it different? I must
  admit as someone that has been doing Cold Fusion/Java development for
  close to 7 years now that I was pretty darn frightened by what I read
  and there doesn't seem to be a whole heck of a lot going on for
  programmers on sites like Monster.com, etc either. Tell me what you
  think -- I'm all ears.

  Kind Regards,

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