I got 93 words per minute with no errors on the non-Java practice 
test.  430 characters per minute.  However, they used variation on "Quick 
Brown fox jumped over the lazy dogs", which is pretty common in such tests 
(since it uses all letters of the alphabet).  In the Java applet test, I 
was @ 70+ w/ 3 errors.

  I remember using a program called Typing Tutor ( Of course, that would 
have been late 80s ).  A quick web search on "typing tutor" brings up 
numerous things.

At 11:16 AM 6/1/2005, you wrote:
>I don't know about where to send you to learn, but you can test yourself
>for free here:
>I did just plain awful.  23WPM and 8 errors on my first try.  Ugh.  When
>you find that software, let me know.  I obviously need it!
>Mark Holm wrote:
> > HI,
> > I'm applying for a position. I have to take a typing speed test.. this 
> is the 1st position I've ever applied for that requested this.
> > Is this common?
> > My typing speed sucks..well because I never learned to touch type..but 
> it hasn't hindered my work in the past. I have never had to type somebody 
> else words..so I don't see the relivance to doing programming.
> >
> > Can anybody suggest a good and quick way to increase my typing speed in 
> a few days?
> >
> > TIA
> > Mark Holm
> >
> >

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