Very true, I used to work for a decently sized private University and while
the pay was not all that great the benefits more than made up for it.
Unfortunately I left it because our department was not rock solid and was
uncertain where it was going at the same time a contracting company came
knocking on my door offering a rather large pay rate.  I did that a few
years back and ever since then I keep my eye open for any jobs in the local
universities that I think I would be happy in.

I have been working with CF since it came out and have maybe only once or
twice ran into jobs that people felt I wanted too much money for.  I do
change my rates greatly though, just depends on the type of work that needs
to be done and my interest in it.  I usually do not play up my years of
experience with things which maybe is why I have not really ran into people
blowing me off because they think I either want too much money or I will
want too much money.

I think to pull in a hefty pay range on a consistent basis it takes a lot
more than CFM knowledge.  On the jobs I get paid a high rate on the CFM work
is probably the smaller percentage of the total work I do.

On 2/13/06, Sonya Hughes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> For reference, when looking for full-time jobs, a good place to always
> look
> even with tons of experience would be higher education. Universities
> always
> seem to be more inclined to look at people with a lot of experience in a
> field who say they're willing to work for a limited salary in exchange for
> other benefits.
> I took a solid paycut to take the position I have now, but it came with
> wonderful retirement, tuition, health and vacation/sick leave benefits I
> wouldn't get anywhere else. The contracting on the side makes up the
> financial difference and it's a good, stable environment.

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