I'm not certain snobbish is the right word, nor am I certain flame is

I think the post brought up valid points to be discussed. If some one were
not hired because of their views towards a post, I'd be really ashamed of
those not doing the hiring. Next will people not get hired because they post
on a forum for japanese car owners saying they think german engineering is
over rated? (not me in this example :D )

Christian got his resumes, and I hope he finds his developer. I can't speak
for everyone who's posted, but I think the conversation was worth it. I
learned a lot.

my .02


On 8/7/06, Jeffry Houser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   I'm still unsure why the original post was considered 'snobbish'.
>   That said, I wonder how potential future employers will react to those
> who post flames of job posts on this list (or the other).
> --
John Wilker
Vice President Software Development/Writer
Red Omega Solutions, Inc.
www.johnwilker.com / www.red-omega.com

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