Wow!   Lots of responses.  Thanks everyone.

To address a few points:

1) We're a software company delivering an ASP oriented product, so remote 
developers is a challenge, as it is a HIGHLY collaborative atmostphere with 
meetings and whiteboards 3 times a week.  We would most certainly consider 
telecommuters if we could - its not a trust issue, its just not practical to 
have remote devs.

2) We pay very competitively - we've even gotten devs through recruiters and 
they demand competitive salaries.  We do not over pay - but we most certainly 
do not underpay.

3) I think LA is a desolate non-techy place coupled with the fact CF is a small 
language in the big scheme.  My guess is if we were Java or .Net, this wouldnt 
be an issue.

4) LA yes is an expensive place to live, but in many areas cheaper than DC and 
most certainly cheaper than SF or NYC.  I used to live in NYC and DC and can 
vouch for this.  LA can be $2500 for a 1 BR or $1000 depending on your 
neighborhood - and none of those choices are "the 'hood".   And living near the 
beach in this sunny weather is like getting a raise anyway.

Thanks again to everyone and wish me a collective good luck....  And of course, 
if anyone wants to move to LA, we do offer a relocation package :)

Anyway - thanks to everyone for your thoughts... Our search continues!

Create robust enterprise, web RIAs.
Upgrade & integrate Adobe Coldfusion MX7 with Flex 2;56760587;14748456;a?


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