
I have to agree with the other replies.  I live in Tampa Florida in a beautiful 
home that I couldn't dream of owning in LA or NYC.   I moved down here from NYC 
for that very reason.  Also, I think people just aren't as willing to move 
themselves and their families for a job; especially with two income families.

I currently have a local contract, but I have telecommuted in the past both 
locally and nationally, and will again.  It's the wave of the future (if not 
the present) in the programming world.  Why not use telecommuters, when we 
email or IM each other from two cubicles away when we are in the same office; 
what's the difference.


----- Original Message ----
From: Ben Shichman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: CF-Jobs-Talk <>
Sent: Tuesday, December 19, 2006 5:51:02 PM
Subject: Where are the Los Angeles Developers?

Hey Everyone

This is not a job posting- just a frustrated question.

A year ago my company could post a CF job ad and get tens of responses.  Now we 
post one and get 2 or 3 bad resumes.

Now I realize that myspace has snatched up a lot of the CF'ers in Los Angeles, 
but could they really have gotten them all?   We have tried this board, 
Craigslist, monster, dice - you name it - its just slim pickins. 

We pay competitively and have a growing company and compelling product.  

Any tips?

Help appreciated!

Ben Shichman

Create robust enterprise, web RIAs.
Upgrade & integrate Adobe Coldfusion MX7 with Flex 2;56760587;14748456;a?


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