On Feb 4, 2008 11:26 AM, Michael Dinowitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> While this thread has evolved into a useful discussion, it's original premise 
> is one that is not only inflammatory but possibly libelous. The problem is 
> that it was probably posted by a sock puppet account as my emails to "angry 
> housewife" have not resulted in any reply (though it'll probably result in a 
> reply to this thread).
> For this reason, the base post will be removed from the archive and the 
> threading will be reset to reflect the removal. I'll also be looking into the 
> source of the account to see who it's a sock puppet for. Should not be a 
> problem.

Probably a good idea Michael.

It is interesting that the original angry housewife post said it isn't
libelous, but obviously wanted to be anonymous. Things that make you
say hmmm.....

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