Thank you all very much for your advice, suggestions and input.

I know this is a better question for a CPA, however this might be something
that someone has already researched and can 'guide' me.

1.  My entire 1099 contract fits on one page and only mentions my hourly
rate, my lack of workman's comp, a brief reminder that I am responsible for
my own taxes as well as the standard 'at-will' state text.
2.  I am working for the staffing company for the office I will be working
for. (I will submit my invoice every 2 weeks and be paid accordingly)

Since I have other 'side' clients currently, would the government see this
as just 'another' client of my sole-proprietorship?  If that is the case,
wouldn't that open up my mileage from my main office (home) to the client's
office, even though I am there for 40 hours a week?

Is there anything that I am missing?


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