On 11/8/10 11:15 AM, Larry C. Lyons wrote:
> I may be confused. What do you mean by split lanes?


Being able to ride between the lanes of cars.  It's common practice in 
California and has been for decades.

The rule of thumb is this... at speeds below 35 mph (such as on a 
freeway), in heavy traffic, you can move over and ride between the cars. 
  People are aware of this and usually will move over for you.  In rare 
cases, they don't, so you drop back in behind them until you can get 
around them.  You should never go more than 10-15 mph over the flow of 
traffic, and naturally never above the posted speed limit.  This 
generally only happens between the #1 and #2 lanes (the far left lane 
and the one next to it), but is occasionally done in the other lanes, 
but isn't recommended.

In town, the same rule applies, except that at traffic lights, you can 
ride right up to the front of the light in between cars, where you are 
always the first out of the light, out in front of all that traffic.

The end result of all this is that motorcycles don't exist in traffic 
with relation to cars, and vice versa.  We can go between cars, and they 
don't really have to deal with us being "in the way" because we're 
between them instead of in front of them when traffic is slow-moving.

Describing this to non-riders usually gets a typically bone-headed 
response of, "duh, what happens if somebody opens their door?"  Well, 
it'll hurt.  BUT, fact is, it doesn't happen.  People are very 
respectful of bikes and usually give them space.  In fact, the only cars 
I've ever encountered that don't are Priuses, since they tend to think 
they own the road.  But as of 1/1/11, hybrids are being banished from 
the carpool lane in California, much to their chagrin.


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