You'd think that this was CF-Community or something. ;)

One other suggestion I did have is go to one of the salary comparison
sites and check out possible cost of living in DC vs the suburbs that
way. You can look at how much more you'd need to make as well as
seeing how much more it would cost living in DC vs., the agony of the

Believe me, commuting in this region is ugly. You need to take that
into account. Driving into the district is not recommended if you can
avoid it.


On Wed, Nov 10, 2010 at 5:19 PM, Jason Birch <> wrote:
> Well, it appears my thread has officially been hijacked. :)
> JB
> ________________________________
> From:RobG <>
> To:cf-jobs-talk <>
> Sent: Tue, November 9, 2010 9:18:00 AM
> Subject: Re: Moving to DC
> On 11/8/10 2:59 PM, Maureen wrote:
>> That is legal in California.  I hate it, but apparently there have
>> been few accidents because of it, and no fatalities.
> No offense (seriously), but here's my take on why people hate it.  It's
> a generalization so please try not to take it too personally.  And I can
> relate because years ago before I rode I felt the same way.
> You hate it because it requires you to actually pay attention.  You feel
> like you shouldn't have to watch out for anybody but yourself.  You hate
> it because of the VERY FEW dweebs out there (they exist in every group)
> that abuse the privilege and blow through traffic at too high a speed,
> or you've had a mirror broken by one of these guys.
> OR, as somebody pointed out yesterday, you hate the idea that somebody
> should get there before you do.  Misery spread equally, that's the
> Liberal Way (tm).  Instead of Power To Those Who Can, we need to put a
> stop those people because it isn't FAIR that they should be able to do
> something we can't.
> There was an article written in San Francisco back in 2000 talking about
> lane splitting.  They quoted one guy saying how he hates how people can
> get there sooner, and they shouldn't be allowed to.  They, "should just
> get in line and wait with everybody else."
> It's such a crock because bikes are much smaller than cars.  They fit in
> smaller spaces.  It just makes sense to let them use that space.
> Consider this... at the grocery store or Walmart.  You have these big,
> wide aisles.  WHAT IF you were only allowed to walk single file down
> these aisles?  Even if somebody stopped to get stuff off the shelf, or
> was standing there staring, looking for the item that didn't exist, you
> COULD NOT go around them.  How dumb is that?  Very similar concept.
> Rob

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