I am wholeheartedly behind those sentiments.  However, I am not even
qualified to be a newbie yet.

I will say that of the three KCCFUG meetings that I have gone to (and it has
been over 6 months) there was a trend (can you ascertain a trend after 3
meetings ?).  Typically, the meetings took a long time to get under way and
proceeded along with little focus and the level of discussion was very
stratospheric.  I have noticed through the list serve that topics still are
not well planned out in advance.

I am just an interested observer still at this point, and unfortunately this
is the only useful input I can provide - for now.


===== Original Message from JamieTieman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> at 1/10/01
1:18 pm
>After the meeting last night most of you realize that I have no problem
>trying to represent the individuals new to CF.  So, if Roger wants to build
>NASA a program to monitor the burn rate of the Shuttles solid rocket
>booster, fantastic.  There really are Rocket Scientist.  It’s the RS that we
>need at the CFUG to get us over the hump and into Programming Land.  I am
>impressed by that level of knowledge and it is probably where most of us
>would like to be someday.  But let’s face facts, most new CF people don’t
>have the time or money to go to Atlanta or Boston and learn what’s in the
>manuals.  We can all read!!!  It is the application  of that information
>that we desire.  The CFUG has the potential, no the responsibility, to bring
>the CF community (new and old) together.  Besides, the price is right!  If
>you agree or disagree, that’s cool, just respond and let’s wake up the list
>to the fact that we are out here.  Bret, waste some space and let us know
>what you think, too.

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