Title: Message

One of my hosting clients s using MX and is having problems uploading larger files (jpg, Gifs) to the CF5 server. I think the problem is with him but I'm not sure I still use CF Studio.




-----Original Message-----
From: Ron Ramphal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, December 31, 2002 11:56 AM
Subject: Re: [KCFusion] Macromedia Studio MX


Another little extra... on the Windows edition of Studio MX CD there is a fully functional version of Homesite+ v5.1


----- Original Message -----

Sent: Monday, December 30, 2002 8:56 PM

Subject: RE: [KCFusion] Macromedia Studio MX


I don't believe I have heard of any problems with Studio MX and CF5.  (only minor ones the other way around).  The trick will be to remember that some of the features/tags in Studio won't work in CF5, likewise the CFCs.  So you may have a tendency to write code that is not 5 compatible.  This shouldn't be a big problem and its a good chance to start working on code for MX.


A plus:  the Windows version of Studio MX includes a developer version of CFMX, which can coexist on a server with CF5.  Though it only permits a single IP address to connect, it is a good way for you and other developers with copies of studio to write and test code on stand alone versions of CFMX prior to buying the upgrade.




-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Mark Kirkbride
Sent: Monday, December 30, 2002 4:58 PM
Subject: [KCFusion] Macromedia Studio MX

Has anyone had any issues using Macromedia Studio MX with ColdFusion 5 Server?  We have budgeted to upgrade to ColdFusion MX Server in '03, but was wondering about getting the Studio beforehand.

Mark Kirkbride
Senior LAN Administrator
FBD Consulting, Inc.
(913) 319-8836

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