Hello Jonathan,

That sounds fine to me. 

Concerning non-ascii -- you may be right.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jonathan Gregory [mailto:jonat...@met.reading.ac.uk] On Behalf
> Jonathan Gregory
> Sent: 28 October 2009 15:14
> To: Juckes, Martin (STFC,RAL,SSTD)
> Cc: cf-metadata@cgd.ucar.edu; r.s.hatc...@reading.ac.uk
> Subject: [CF-metadata] Dealing with large numbers of flag values in
> netcdf cf -- what are "words"
> Dear Martin
> It would be more restrictive than your list, but it would be
> consistent, I
> suppose, to use the same list permitted for netCDF variable/dim/attr
> names viz
> alphanumeric characters, underscore '_', period '.', plus '+', hyphen
> '-', or
> at sign '@'
> Since these are ASCII char arrays, accented etc chars should be
> excluded
> anyway by that, shouldn't they?
> Best wishes
> Jonathan
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