On 3/31/11 12:42 AM, Lowry, Roy K. wrote:
Dear All,

This debate between Chris and Benno hinges upon how one determines the sampling 
interval for a time series.  Benno depends upon semantics encoded in the units 
of measure field - something I have done in the past although I am now 
convinced that it is not best practice.  Chris advocates obtaining it by 
analysis of the time channel.

Yes, I think that does sum it up well.

If nothing else, there is a clear need for a little more detail (or a reference) for the calendar definition in the CF docs:


Perhaps things like "360_day" calendar are standard enough in the climate modeling community that they don't nee definition, but these brief descriptions are terrible unclear/imprecise for folks like me.


Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

Emergency Response Division
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